Stimulate Innovation

services overview

Strong Expertise In Financial Services

Today’s winning organizations need a combination of strategic insight, domain expertise, data, and technology. That is why our complements its traditional consulting excellence with solutions: technologies and specialized teams that deliver results.

Today’s winning organizations need a combination of strategic insight, domain expertise, data, and technology. That is why our complements its traditional consulting excellence with solutions: technologies and specialized teams that deliver results.

When our solutions are integrated – either during or outside of consulting engagements – they make an immediate impact on business performance. Because solutions are measurable and repeatable, they allow business leaders to make rigorous, data-driven decisions on the biggest challenges facing their organizations. Through our solutions, our company combines technology, proprietary data, and extensive expertise in order to significantly improve an organization’s performance and health:

Management technology gives managers the applications they need in order to act more effectively and focus on what’s essential.

We focus on the needs of small to middle market businesses, not the Fortune 5000.
We work closely with you to understand your goals and then develop your entire business plan.
Successful businesses understand who represents good customers and mediocre customers.
Own success at every turn. Uncover and deliver on opportunities that build lasting value.
A systematic study to understand whether or not a specific project, venture, or approach is feasible.
Develop a deeper understanding of market trends, threats, opportunities, competitors and customers.
Building a successful, sustainable business requires both planning and execution.
Find a better way to break through. Innovate boldly, and intelligently, to create and deliver new value.

Unleash Your Team’s Productive Power

The truly scarce resources now are the time, the talent, and the energy of the people in your organization
who we offer

Services Profile

For more than 40 years, we’ve been passionate about achieving better results for our clients.


Success Stats

who we are

Meet Our Team

Juano Maldonado

Juano Maldonado

Asesor Nikken
Paula Walker

Paula Walker

Chief Finance Officer
Marta Stewart

Marta Stewart

VP Sales and Marketing
We Enjoy Working

What People Say

“Es el segundo KenkoAir que compro, ya que el primero lo comparto con la familia, desde que lo compre he notado beneficios en mi salud, el más notorio es que mis alergias desaparecieron y se debe a que el ambiente que respiro. Desde hace un año que estoy haciendo home office es mucho más limpio,…

Yaneth Aguilar – México

“Mi cliente me comenta que su esposo no podía dormir bien por las secuelas del COVID y ella padece de una tos crónica. Ahora que usan el Kenko Air sus síntomas han disminuido considerablemente.”

Diana Zuñiga – México

“Mi hijo empezaba a padecer síntomas de alergia, estornudaba y tenía mucho flujo nasal cada mañana, desde que usa el Kenkoair disminuyó casi por completo esos síntomas. Y ahora que lo tiene junto al tomar clase en línea se puede concentrar mejor. Fue una excelente inversión para su salud.”

Renata Garzón – México